Gotham’s return!

Ok.. I just wanna talk about one of my favorite show’s Gotham. After a huge wait over the holiday break we finally got to see what happens to Jim Gordon after being moved to Arkham Asylum as a security guard. All I can say is that it was a very great way to start the second half of Gotham. The performances by Robin Lord Taylor, Ben Mckenzie, and the rest of the cast ( Camren, Jada, Donal, and Drew) were all top notch. This episode had a few funny parts as well, my favorite being when Harvey had stormed in the Asylum helping Jim with solving his case. They were just meant to be partners #TeamBordon

Now overall, it was a great episode probably one of the best so far…But what really pisses me off, IS THAT WE HAVE TO WAIT 2 WEEKS UNTIL THE NEXT GOTHAM EPISODE! Why?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Ive done enough waiting 😦

Batman-Colorado-5There you happy? You made Batman cry…

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